[This game is no longer in operation.]
☞ Other Version(s): Simplified Chinese | Global | Korean | Traditional Chinese
Simple and fun to play. Just tap to the rhythm!
Original Rhythm Action
Live shows are performed by tapping the screen to the rhythm. Better timing can earn you higher scores. String combos together to gain even more points!
There are over 80 original songs to choose from.
Create Your Own Team
You can pick and create your own teams from Aqours, μ's and many more original members. Create teams best suited to your favorite songs or events, or just with your favorite members. It's all up to you!
Improve Your Members
Improve your team members by "Practice." The better they get, the greater their performance scores will be! When you "Special Practice" two of the same member, they become idolized with cuter costumes.
Full Stories With the Official Anime Voice Actresses
The main story is fully voiced by the original Aqours and μ's voice cast.
Side Stories for Each Member
Each and every member has their own story to tell. Deepen the bond with them to unlock the side stories. Side stories of Aqours and μ's members are also fully voiced by the anime series voice cast!
Click here to the official website of Love Live! School Idol Festival: link
Click here to the official twitter of Love Live! School Idol Festival: link
Have you heard about #iPhoneシャワー incident?
The trends was almost a year ago but somehow it made it's way back to trending recently.
keyword: iPhone Shower, Koizumi Moeka, Sato Hinata
- Today's Fanart -
Artist: Pixiv @さこもち
Series: Love Live!
Original link: https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/61111418