홈페이지 > 게임스토어 > Seal M | Japanese

☞ 다른 버전: 동남아버전 | 대만판 | 한국버전

We invite you to Seal M, which will take you on a trip down memory lane.

Get ready to experience a cute cartoon-rendered tale in a fabled world where every monster is brought to life with unique adorable expressions.
Immerse yourself in a vibrant and enchanting world filled with whimsical monsters and characters!

Choose from the altruistic Priest, the honorable Knight, the mighty Warrior, the mysterious Mage, and the acrobatic Jester and begin your journey in the world of Seal!

Pet and Guarders
Choose from various pets as your sidekick to accompany you on your exciting expeditions and battles and traverse the vast fields on your Guarders!

Seal Talk
Meet new friends and interact with them every day and enjoy the game together!

Combo System
Experience combat like no other by using a special dedicated combo system unique to each character!

Couple System
Share your adventures with a special someone by being a couple and get stronger together!
그래픽 갓겜수준 과금할만함 굿스토리 나이스브금 3.0
1 명의 평점, 0 명의 리뷰
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